
The Committee on Nominations is a standing Committee of the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York. Pursuant to Article XV of the By-Laws, the Committee on Nominations shall consist of one delegate and one alternate from each chapter. The delegate and alternate shall be appointed by the Chapter President with the prior approval of the Chapter’s Board of Directors no later than August 30.

The Chair(s) of the Committee on Nominations shall be elected by the Members of the Committee. At all meetings of the Committee on Nominations, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the Committee. The Chair(s) shall call meetings as it may deem necessary but must hold its first meeting no later than September 30 of each year. Pursuant to the By-Laws, only the delegate or alternate may attend meetings of the Committee on Nominations.

The Committee shall solicit and receive suggestions and recommendations for the offices for which a nomination is made. The Committee on Nominations shall make nominations for the offices to be filled at the forthcoming Annual Election of the Association and shall give written notice of such nomination to the President of the Association no later than March 10. The Committee on Nominations shall not nominate any of its members for any office of the Association.

The number of votes to which each Chapter delegate is entitled shall be based upon the number of voting members as shown in the Chapter’s report of membership for the period ending January 31 of that fiscal year pursuant to Article IX Section 7(c) of the Association By-Laws, with timely remittance of per capita charges. Each Chapter shall be entitled to one vote plus one additional vote for up to fifty voting members, plus one additional vote for the next fifty voting members of the Chapter, plus one vote for each 100 voting members of the Chapter after the first 100 voting members.

Voting shall be by closed ballot. In case of a tie vote which the Committee on Nominations has been unable to break, the immediate past President of the Association shall vote to break the tie. With respect to procedures for contested nominations for officers of the Association, or with respect to a Chapter proposing candidates for any or all of the officers to be voted upon at the annual election, please refer specifically to Section 10 and Section 11 of Article XV of the By-Laws of WBASNY.


Terry Raskyn, Esq.

Dawn Reid-Green, Esq.

Nominations Application
Nominations Committee Procedures and Policies
Nominations Questions for Interviews
Relevant Section of the By-Laws – Nominations
The Role of a WBASNY Officer

Wbasny Chapters

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