Sort By:Default Last Name Tasha O. Kates, Esq. Kates First Tasha Tasha O. Kates, Esq. Law Office of Tasha Kates 744 South Meadow Street, Suite 450, Ithaca, NY 14860 781-667-4116 Tatiana Miranda, Esq. Miranda First Tatiana Tatiana Miranda, Esq. Nassau County 10th JD 252 Old Country Road, Lower Level, Mineola, NY 11501-4261 Practice Area Employee Benefits/ERISA Taylor Gillespie, Esq. Gillespie First Taylor Taylor Gillespie, Esq. Amhersts, NY 14226 Practice Area Administrative Law/Regulatory Taylor Imbasciani, Esq. Imbasciani First Taylor Taylor Imbasciani, Esq. Sperber, Hoffman, Stein & Scampoli, LLP 400 Garden City Plaza, Suite 106, Garden City, NY 11530 516-739-3979 Practice Area Family, Wills/Trusts/Estates Taylor Sandella, Esq. Sandella First Taylor Taylor Sandella, Esq. Kreindler & Kreindler LLP 485 Lexington Avenue, 28th Floor, New York, NY 10017 212-973-3476 Practice Area Negligence/Torts/Products Liability, Personal Injury Taylor Schubauer-Waters, Esq. Schubauer-Waters First Taylor Taylor Schubauer-Waters, Esq. Social Security Administration Buffalo Office 130 Delaware Avenue, Suite 200, Buffalo, NY 14202 716-316-9730 Practice Area Social Security/Medicare Teagan C. Dolan, Esq. Dolan First Teagan Teagan C. Dolan, Esq. Faraci Lange 1882 South Winton Avenue, Suite 100, Rochester, NY 14618 585-325-5150 Tehilah B. Kahan, Esq. Kahan First Tehilah Tehilah B. Kahan, Esq. Kings County Civil Court 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11210 347-404-9093 Tejawatie Ramdihal, Esq. Ramdihal First Tejawatie Tejawatie Ramdihal, Esq. Jayson Lutzky, PC 1740 Hone Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461 718-550-2881 Terence W. McCormick, Esq. McCormick First Terence Terence W. McCormick, Esq. Mintz and Gold LLP 600 3rd Avenue, Floor 25, New York, NY 10016-1910 212-696-4848 Practice Area Civil/Commercial Page 310 of 326« First«...102030...308309310311312...320...»Last »