Sort By:Default Last Name Valerie S. Wolfman, Esq. Wolfman First Valerie Valerie S. Wolfman, Esq. Law Office of Valerie Wolfman 880 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022 212-752-3380 Practice Area Wills/Trusts/Estates Valerie T. Didamo, Esq. Didamo First Valerie Valerie T. Didamo, Esq. City of Syrcuse 233 East Washington Street, Syracuse, NY 13202 315-209-5453 Practice Area Government Valorie J. Promisel, Esq. Promisel First Valorie Valorie J. Promisel, Esq. Law Office of Valerie J. Promisel 1860 Commerce Street, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598-4429 914-245-3636 Practice Area Elder/Guardianship/Medicaid, Real Estate, Wills/Trusts/Estates Vanessa C. Gabriele, Esq. Gabriele First Vanessa Vanessa C. Gabriele, Esq. Gabriele Law PLLC 392 Pearl Street, Suite 400, Buffalo, NY 14202 716-242-7200 Practice Area Matrimonial Vanessa Neal, Esq. Neal First Vanessa Vanessa Neal, Esq. Bleakley Platt & Schmidt LLP One North Lexington Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601 914-287-6128 Vanessa P. Robinson, Esq. Robinson First Vanessa Vanessa P. Robinson, Esq. Magavern Magavern Grimm, LLP 14 Lafayette Square, #1100, Buffalo, NY 14203 716-309-2755 Practice Area Health Verna W. Cobb, Esq. Cobb First Verna Verna W. Cobb, Esq. Cobb & Cobb 724 Broadway, 1st Floor, Newburgh, NY 12550-6506 845-565-0500 Practice Area Civil/Commercial, Criminal Law, Family, Matrimonial, Real Estate Veronica A. Devries, Esq. Devries First Veronica Veronica A. Devries, Esq. Hodgson Russ LLP 90 Linden Oaks, Suite 110, Rochester, NY 14625 585-729-2988 Practice Area Environmental Veronica Fuentes-Simone, Esq. Fuentes-Simone First Veronica Veronica Fuentes-Simone, Esq. Fuentes Simone Law PC 80-02 Kew Gardens Road, Suite 5001, Kew Gardens, NY 11415-3600 718-285-8590 Practice Area Wills/Trusts/Estates Veronica Guerrero, Esq. Guerrero First Veronica Veronica Guerrero, Esq. Appellate Division, First Department 41 Madison Avenue, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10010 646-386-5882 Practice Area General Page 315 of 323« First«...102030...313314315316317...320...»Last »