Sort By:Default Last Name Brittany E. Laurence, Esq. Laurence First Brittany Brittany E. Laurence, Esq. Barclay Damon LLP 100 Chestnut Street, #2000, Rochester, NY 14604 585-295-4320 Practice Area Federal Brittany Jones, Esq. Jones First Brittany Brittany Jones, Esq. Buffalo, NY 14210 Practice Area Judiciary Brittany L. Hannah, Esq. Hannah First Brittany Brittany L. Hannah, Esq. Pillinger Miller Tarallo LLP 126 North Salina Street, Suite 215, Syracuse, NY 13202 315-471-6166 Practice Area Civil/Commercial Brittnay M. McAvoy, Esq. McAvoy First Brittnay Brittnay M. McAvoy, Esq. Block, Longo, LaMarca & Brzezinski, PC 43 British American Boulevard, Latham, NY 12110 518-313-7111 Practice Area Landlord/Tenant, Real Estate, Wills/Trusts/Estates Bronwyn James, Esq. James First Bronwyn Bronwyn James, Esq. Berg & Androphy 120 West 45th Street, 38th Floor, New York, NY 10036-4195 Practice Area Civil/Commercial, Federal, General, Immigration Brooke Pearlman, Esq. Pearlman First Brooke Brooke Pearlman, Esq. NYS Unified Court System 108 Lincoln Road, #201, Brooklyn, NY 11235 Practice Area Public Interest Bruce N. Lederman, Esq. Lederman First Bruce Bruce N. Lederman, Esq. Trolman, Glaser & Lichtman, PC 747 Third Avenue, 35th Floor, New York, NY 10017-1400 212-204-6018 Bryan Conway, Esq. Conway First Bryan Bryan Conway, Esq. Orange County District Attorney 255 Main Street, Goshen, NY 10950 845-615-3654 Bryn Lovejoy-Grinnell, Esq. Lovejoy-Grinnell First Bryn Bryn Lovejoy-Grinnell, Esq. Law Office of Bryn Lovejoy-Grinnell 317 Montgomery Street, 2nd Floor, Syracuse, NY 13202 315-760-4519 Practice Area Dispute Resolution: Arbitration, Domestic Violence, Family, Matrimonial Cabot Marks, Esq. Marks First Cabot Cabot Marks, Esq. Marks DiPalermo Wilson PLLC 485 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022 212-370-4477 Page 42 of 326« First«...102030...4041424344...506070...»Last »