Sort By:Default Last Name Darby E. Koput, Esq. Koput First Darby Darby E. Koput, Esq. Pellis Law Group 901 Warrenville Road, Suite 205, Lisle, IL, 60532 603-422-5510 Practice Area Negligence/Torts/Products Liability Darienn P. Balin, Esq. Balin First Darienn Darienn P. Balin, Esq. City of Syracuse 233 East Washington Street, Syracuse, NY 13202 315-448-8400 Darlene C. Bruce, Esq. Bruce First Darlene Darlene C. Bruce, Esq. Jb GG Realty Corporation 123 West 117 Street, New York, NY 10026 Practice Area Real Estate Darlene DeJesus-Rosenwasser, Esq. DeJesus-Rosenwasser First Darlene Darlene DeJesus-Rosenwasser, Esq. Orange County District Attorney 255-275 Main Street, Goshen, NY 10924 845-615-3663 Practice Area Government Darlene T. Treston, Esq. Treston First Darlene Darlene T. Treston, Esq. Law Office of Darlene Treston 100 Crossways Park Drive West, Suite 100, Westbury, NY 11797 516-280-6861 Practice Area Matrimonial David C. Sanchez, Esq. Sanchez First David David C. Sanchez, Esq. Cohen Clair Lans Greifer & Simpson LLP 919 Third Avenue, 34th Floor, New York, NY 10022 212-324-1761 Practice Area Matrimonial David I. Kronenberg, Esq. Kronenberg First David David I. Kronenberg, Esq. Grimaldi Yeung Law Group LLP 652 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11232 718-238-6960 Practice Area Elder/Guardianship/Medicaid David I. Lewittes, Esq. Lewittes First David David I. Lewittes, Esq. Miller, Leiby, & Associates, PC 32 Broadway, Suite 1514, New York, NY 10004 212-227-4200 David Imamura, Esq. Imamura First David David Imamura, Esq. Abrams Fensterman LLP 81 Main Street, White Plains, NY 10601 914-607-7010 Practice Area Legislation David L. Cohen, Esq. Cohen First David David L. Cohen, Esq. New York State Supreme Court 111 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013 646-386-5640 Practice Area Government Page 72 of 326« First«...102030...7071727374...8090100...»Last »