NYWBA Annual Holiday Party
RSVP immigrationchairs@nywba.org
CLE- Monitoring Families Affected by Parental Substance Misuse
Matrimonial and Family Law Committee Presents: MONITORING FAMILIES AFFECTED BY PARENTAL SUBSTANCE MISUSE Speakers: Cindy Feinberg, CPC, CAI Carrie Wilkens, PhD Moderator: Sabrina Woods December 13, 2023, 6:00 pm by Zoom RSVP mfchairs@nywba.org
Cybersecurity (Queens Chapter)
Thursday, December 14, 2023 - Cybersecurity - Save The Date!
Lunch with Hon. Toussaint (Brooklyn Chapter)
RSVP to Lunch with a Judge
Faith and Community Leaders Breakfast (Central New York Chapter)
RSVP to Janice Korzyp at jkorzyp@nycourts.gov
Norejko Schwaeber Amazon Gift Drive (New York Chapter)
Buy a Holiday Gift for a Survivor of Domestic Violence with WBASNY's "Norejko Schwaeber Amazon Gift Drive" WBASNY is embarking on the second year of its annual Amazon Gift Drive, … Continue reading Norejko Schwaeber Amazon Gift Drive (New York Chapter)