CLE – Implicit Bias. What is it? Do I have it? Can I get rid of it?
Brooklyn Chapter
Book Club – Becoming
Western New York Chapter
Merchants Town Hall Meeting
Bronx Chapter
Membership Happy Hour
Rochester Chapter
Virtual Happy Hour
Del-Chen-O Chapter Let's get together for a VIRTUAL HAPPY HOUR - July 31, 2020, from 5:15-6:15 PM - Grab your favorite beverage and join us! After months of social distancing, let's take this opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues. To join Zoom Meeting… Meeting ID: 838 8754 8571 Passcode: 751236 We hope … Continue reading Virtual Happy Hour
Lunch with a Judge Series
Brooklyn Chapter
Zoom Lunch with Hon. Jenny Rivera
Bronx Chapter
Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court
Rochester Chapter The next Forum event will spotlight the book, Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court, by Amy Bach, and feature a panel of women who can speak on the subject of injustice in the American judicial system. Participants are not required to purchase a book for this program, however it can be an educational resource … Continue reading Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court
The Art of Suffrage: Struggle, Sacrifice and Success
Western New York Chapter It took nearly 100 years of persistence and passion for women to gain the vote. Finally, in August 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified, granting women across America the right to vote. This year, we’re celebrating the centennial of this seminal achievement in women’s rights—and honoring the sacrifice of the women … Continue reading The Art of Suffrage: Struggle, Sacrifice and Success