Headshot Happy Hour

Western New York Chapter Members free! Kindly RSVP to Jenna McDonnell by March 31. Non-members welcome, cost $40 payable here.

WBASNY Board of Directors Meeting

WBASNY Board of Directors Meeting June 3, 2022 Our next scheduled board meeting will take place on Friday, June 3, 2022, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm at The Kartrite Resort and Indoor Waterpark, Monticello, New York. All Officers, Chapter Presidents, Directors, Committee Co-Chairs and Past Presidents should plan to attend. Pursuant to the By-Laws of … Continue reading WBASNY Board of Directors Meeting

NYWBA Annual Meeting

NYWBA Annual Meeting, Elections & Ethics CLE Program April 20, 2022, 6:00 p.m

GRAWA Nominating Committee Meeting

GRAWA Chapter Nominating Committee Meeting 8am-9:30am Meeting will be held via Zoom. Please email Regina at Regina.MacAdam@rochesterregional.org to RSVP.