Marea L. Wachsman

Marea L. Wachsman, is a founding member and partner in the law firm of Schreier & Wachsman, LLP., located in New York, New York. Her practice focuses on representing seriously injured victims of medical malpractice, wrongful death, automobile accidents, accidents involving utilities, construction accidents, slip and fall accidents, other negligence matters and commercial litigation. Ms. Wachsman regularly represents indigent client’s pro bono.

Every potential medical malpractice case and most personal injury cases are reviewed by Ms. Wachsman for the firm. Ms. Wachsman works directly with clients and their families to gather evidence, including medical records, performs legal/medical research, and collaborates with experts to determine if a case has merit. Once accepted by the firm, she aggressively litigates the cases to achieve successful results at trial, in arbitration or in settlements.

Ms. Wachsman has served as WBASNY’s President-Elect, Vice-President for two years and as its Corresponding Secretary. Ms. Wachsman also served as a member and a Co-Chair of WBASNY’s Legislation Committee for five years. In that capacity, Ms. Wachsman reviewed hundreds of bills, made recommendations, and worked closely with the Co-Chairs of WBASNY’s standing committees and WBASNY’s lobbyists.

Ms. Wachsman has also served as a Delegate and Vice President of the Brooklyn Women’s Bar Association (“BWBA”), and is currently a member of its Board of Directors. Ms. Wachsman is the President of the Women’s Trial Lawyer’s Caucus, Inc. (“WTLC”) and has been a member of many judicial screening panels, including panels to fill the last six vacancies on the New York State Court of Appeals. Ms. Wachsman has served as First Vice President, Vice President, Treasurer and Parliamentarian of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association (“NYSTLA”) and is a member of its Board of Directors. In addition to WBASNY, BWBA, WTLC, and NYSTLA, Ms. Wachsman is a member of the American Association for Justice, the New York City Bar Association, the Long Island Board of Realtors, and the New York State Association of Realtors.

While she was born in Atlanta, Georgia during her father’s neurosurgical residency, Ms. Wachsman was raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. She received her B.A. in Political Science from The American University and her Juris Doctor from New York Law School. In addition to her legal pursuits and her work for WBASNY, Ms. Wachsman enjoys playing polo. She thanks her husband and partner, David, for his unwavering support.

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